Decision of Mr D Allan, KC, Trust Expert
Judgment of Mr David Allan, KC, in neighbourhood exposure claim.
Suspension of payments
Following discussions with the Trust’s Actuaries, dividends will be as follows with effect from 1st October 2023
Christmas closing dates
The T&N Asbestos Trustee Company office will be closed from Friday 16th December 2021 until Tuesday 3rd January 2022.
Actuarial review
Expedited and maximum values With effect from 1 January 2022, expedited and maximum values will increase as follows: 1. Trust and EL Claims made under the laws of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland (save for Trust Claims concerning deceased Injured Persons where Asbestos Disease (Levels I, II or III) was causative of death) Disease […]
Christmas closing dates
The T&N Asbestos Trustee Company office will be closed from Friday 17th December 2021 until Tuesday 4th January 2022.
Suspension of payments
Under the terms of the Trust Distribution Procedures (TDP), the Trustee is obliged to commission a full actuarial review every five years. The next actuarial review is due to commence in October 2021. As a result, there will be a suspension of all payments from the Trust for three months with effect from 1st October […]
FMFP initial dividend
With immediate effect the FMFP initial dividend has been reduced to 20p/£; the anticipated second dividend is 20p/£.
Second dividend payment questionnaires
With immediate effect, second dividend payment questionnaires will be sent out to Trust Claimants at their last known address as opposed to their solicitors.
Christmas closing dates
The T&N Asbestos Trustee Company office will be closed from Friday 18th December 2020 until Monday 4th January 2021.
Trust payments
Payments from the Trust will resume on 1st January 2021. Following the conclusion of the interim actuarial review, dividends will not change.